Background of Reasonable Modification Regulations
On March 13, 2015 as part of the Federal Register Vol. 80, No. 49 (13262), the Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) issued a Final Rule effecting 49 CFR Parts 27 and 37: Transportation for Individuals With Disabilities; Reasonable Modification of Policies and Practices.
The purpose of this final rule is to clarify that public transportation entities are required to make reasonable modifications/accommodations to their policies, practices, and procedures to ensure program accessibility to individuals with disabilities.
Federal funded recipients must provide reasonable accommodations by making changes to policies, practices, and procedures if needed by an individual with a disability. However, these accommodations are subject to exceptions.
There are four (4) classes of exceptions, and each class will be taken into account with each request and they are as follows:
- Class 1: if granting a request would fundamentally alter the entity’s services, programs, or activities.
- Class 2: if granting the request would create a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
- Class 3: if without the requested modification, the individual with a disability is able to fully use the entity’s services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose.
- Class 4: only applies to recipients of Federal financial assistance, if granting the request would cause an undue financial and administrative burden.
It is STAR Transit’s goal to operate a safe, efficient, and effective transportation system that provides mobility and accessibility to persons with disabilities.
Requests for Modification/Accommodations should be made in advance of when the modified service is being requested to be provided by STAR Transit. The request should be as specific as possible and include information on why the requested modification is needed in order to allow the individual to use STAR Transit services. STAR Transit will make every effort to communicate determinations on requests for modifications in advance of when the service will be needed verbally or in writing.
There are several ways to request a modification/accommodation form pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Access the form online: Complete and submit the Reasonable Modification Request Form
- Mail: Complete the Reasonable Modification Request Form, print it and mail to: STAR Transit, Attention Teresa Elliott, P.O. Box 703, Terrell, TX 75160
- Fax: Complete the Reasonable Modification Request Form, print it and fax to (972) 563-0048.
- Pick up a form at Operations Center: STAR Transit, 500 Industrial Blvd., Terrell, Texas 75160
- Email: Email Teresa Elliott; Executive Assistant at [email protected]
To obtain information about procedures and/or how to file a complaint, contact Teresa Elliott; Executive Assistant by one of the methods listed below:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 469-474-2309
Fax: 972-563-0048
Reasonable Modifications requests will be processed in the following manner:
All requests will be logged into a Reasonable Modification/Accommodation spreadsheet noting the requester’s name, date, contact information, specific modification request, outcome, and requester date of notification.
Individuals requesting modifications will be asked to supply sufficient detail within the request so that agency staff may effectively evaluate the request. Individuals are not required to use the term “reasonable modification” when requesting modifications or accommodations.
All requests for modifications (reasonable or otherwise) will be reviewed and evaluated by the STAR Transit Safety Committee.
All reasonable modification requests will be acknowledged within three (3) business days of receipt. The resolution and response to the requestor will be made timely, within fifteen (15) business days and the response must explain the reasons for the resolution. The response must be documented in the Reasonable Modification/Accommodation log.
Any requests requiring more than fifteen (15) business days to resolve must be reviewed at the authorized staff level and documented as to why the resolution requires additional time for full resolution.
Si necesita informacíon en un otro idioma, llame al 877-631-5278.