Public Meeting Notice_DeSoto Service Changes

Miss the meeting?  Click this link to view the presentation.  DeSoto_PM_STARNow_10 27 21

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that STAR Transit will hold two public meetings to involve citizen participation regarding service changes in DeSoto. STAR Transit will provide information regarding service revisions and implementation of same day service, the STARNow App and fares. Anyone wishing to make comments are invited to attend and express their views.

When: Wednesday, October 27 @ 10:00 a.m.
Where: DeSoto Senior Center, 204 Lion St. , DeSoto, TX 75115

When: Wednesday, October 27 @ 6:00 p.m.
Where: DeSoto City Hall, Council Chambers, 211 Pleasant Run Rd, DeSoto, TX 75115

STAR Transit will simultaneously conduct these meetings via phone/virtual conference. The virtual meeting(s) are accessible in the following ways:

Via Zoom:
Dial: 1 346 248 7799 (Meeting ID: 849 6327 8762)

Assistive listening devices, materials in other alternative formats, American Sign Language interpreters and other accommodations will be made available upon request. Contact Teresa Elliott, 469-474-2309 (V), 1-800-RELAYTX (735-2989) (TTY). Providing at least 72 hours notice (or two weeks notice for American Sign Language interpreters) will help to ensure availability. Un traductor español estará disponible.

The public comment period will be open through the close of business on November 10, 2021.  There are several ways to complete a Public Meeting Comment Form.

For more information, call 877-631-5278 or go to STAR Transit’s website,